My New Novel, Firebreak (Plus Giveaway!)

by | Jul 27, 2024 | Book News, News Updates

Firebreak coverThe first of two young adult novels I’ve written back-to-back for North Star Editions is available in August! Firebreak features Alia, an insecure teen who turns into a reluctant activist fighting an elderly genocide in the making.

The book brings together three serious topics into one fast-paced story – genocide, ageism and learning challenges. The cast of characters includes Alia’s beloved grandmother, two best friends, her younger brother, a cute humanitarian-in-training college student, her parents, a mentoring teacher and more.

An FYI that Firebreak is accessible for struggling readers. I love writing what’s called hi-lo fiction and nonfiction. The story also explores how the main character, Alia, navigates her learning struggles.

The Seedling

I first wrote Firebreak many years ago, the idea sparked from coming across a used paperback called The Fixed Period. That story (first published in 1882) involves a man who pushes through a new policy of forced euthanasia when people turn 67. Even though it’s meant as a satire, I found it chilling and thought-provoking. Along with the fact that we do have challenges with an aging population in many parts of the world, this birthed the heart of my idea for Firebreak.

However, my early versions didn’t go far. I put the manuscript away to work on other writing projects. It was so much fun to pull it back out and revise for release by North Star Editions under its Jolly Fish Press imprint. The social justice issues that the characters must confront remain relevant today. Oppression is sometimes obvious and in our face. And sometimes it involves a slow drip of rights being removed.

Exploring Ageism

In Firebreak, ageism impacts the elderly. But ageism can impact a variety of ages. I’m trying to pay closer attention to how we might personally face such discrimination or negative stereotypes. And how we might accidentally support such a mindset against other ages. For example, one of my pet peeves is the stereotype that older people are all uncomfortable with computers. An example of reverse ageism against teens and young adults can involve judging based on their years of experience rather than abilities.

Book Giveaway!

I hope you enjoy Firebreak. Check out the extras on my book page and how to order.

And . . . I’m giving away 3 paperbacks of Firebreak! Here’s the simple Rafflecopter form to get your name into the virtual hat by Aug. 31!