About Jennifer Phillips

My Bio
I started out as a newspaper reporter in the Midwest and then spent many years in corporate and non-profit communications. But I now split my professional energy between process improvement/creativity consulting with grown-ups and writing for children. My children’s work includes fiction and non-fiction. I want my readers to get a boost of creativity, determination or both.
I love opportunities to connect with young readers, their parents and teachers. I also like to encourage new writers who have an urge to tell a story but need a boost on how to incorporate writing work into their lives.
A Seattle mom of two young adult girls and one bird, I definitely have more story ideas than time. I do my best writing work really early in the morning when the coffee is piping hot and the house extremely quiet.
What influences my stories?
- My Midwestern upbringing in the 1960s and 1970s has fueled some of my writing projects. My biographies on abolitionist editor Elijah Lovejoy and Robert Wadlow (the tallest person who ever lived), for example, are “hometown-inspired” projects. I don’t limit myself to my own backyard, but you often can find great stories right under your nose. I also am drawn to stories about creativity and determination.
- I encourage and facilitate use of creative thinking practices, whether for work problems, life or writing. I often share techniques and examples in my blog and post about techniques under the Resources section of this site.
- And as the adoptive mom of our younger daughter with disabilities, I’ve found this influencing my writing and life in ways I never expected. Outside children’s writing, I’ve needed to become an advocate and ally for those with moderate to severe intellectual & developmental disabilities and those with mental illness diagnoses. Our society is failing these populations in many life-altering ways. As just one example, I serve on the Family Voices Committee for NADD and we are tackling the issue of police interactions and emergency responses when someone is in crisis (or even not). Here is a statement we authored; we presented on this topic at the 2021 NADD conference. I also have joined a sub-committee as Washington state works to implement the new 988 mental health crisis line system in 2022. Please get in touch if you want to talk about these subjects or need guidance, and I will do my best to help.
Interesting things I’ve done?
I’ve been able to try many fun and interesting things so far in my life. For example:
- I started out as a newspaper reporter covering crime and court stories, hanging out in police labs before shows like CSI made crime investigation so popular.
- I’ve ridden in helicopters while doing public relations for an aircraft manufacturer and watched surgeries as part of my health care work.
- I also participated in a medical mission to Vietnam and supported clinical volunteers providing life-changing surgery to children with cleft lips, cleft palates and orthopedic disabilities.
- My husband and I have always been big on travel, going near or far depending on the time and money we have. Our family loves exploring the beautiful Pacific Northwest (yes, we’ve been to Forks, Washington, home of the famous Twilight series), nearby Canada and the Western states. But travel has also taken me to several other parts of the U.S., as well as England, Scotland, Italy, Greece, Australia, China, Japan and Vietnam. I hope to see more of the world when I can!

My Youth
I grew up in Alton, Illinois. I never expected to be a writer. I started playing flute in the fifth grade and music quickly became my passion and my career aspiration. I added oboe and a little tenor saxophone by high school.
It was a high school English teacher who first planted the seed, suggesting I had a writing talent and should consider this when I went to college. I filed it away, determined to become a professional musician. But by the end of my freshman year at college, I realized I wasn’t cut out for the competitive professional music world.
Meanwhile, I got a part-time job in the front office at the student newspaper. I remembered what my English teacher said and started looking into journalism. By my sophomore year, I was setting typeface at the paper and had switched my major. By my junior year, I was a student reporter.
Writing became my thing from then on. I still love music and occasionally dust off my old flute to run through a few songs.
But watch out for those insightful teachers!
Let’s Connect!
What’s your story? What are some interesting things you’ve done? What do you love about stories? Send me a note and introduce yourself—I’d love to hear from you!
Jennifer Phillips, Children’s Author
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