An Update on Time Savings

by | Jun 25, 2021 | Creativity

An Update on Time SavingsIn a recent post, I ask what you’d do with more time, shared some ways to swap time wasters with activities that really matter and shared a bit about my own quest as an improvement geek by day applying this to my own life.

I’m happy to report I’m making progress! Since April, I’ve gained 11 HOURS A WEEK back for use on my writing life, family needs and volunteer work! Woot, woot.

How? Two biggies.

I succeeded in finding a job that lets me telework more, reducing my draining commute.

And I used the technique of looking at activities with fresh eyes to ask whether you can stop doing them. Have they outlived their purpose? I did this with my bill-paying routine and realized I was stuck in the past with old software and habits. Leaping to a new online system eliminated my Saturday morning slog through receipts and many bills. I’m kind of embarrassed I didn’t think of it sooner, but this is very common because routines are powerful.

Now I need to ensure I’m using the regained time on activities that matter. And keep going with my other time-swap ideas.

See my How Would You Use More Time post for more on this topic.

Here’s the time savings worksheet I created that you can try.